Random Thoughts - December 10th 2024: Mega Post!
Hey guys, I am back! I have managed to install Jekyll and Apache on my new PC and now able to update this website again! I think today’s blog will essentially be a year in review post, a lot has happened and I’ve bought some cool stuff!
The biggest story of the year was my new PC! It is an absolute monster, an i9, RTX 4090, 64GB system running Windows 11. I had trouble getting it up the stairs it was so heavy! Anyway, this new PC means I will be able to play a ton more games, as well as edit and render videos much more quickly.
Check out my recent blog post about the new PC.
This year I found out I have a condition called Barrett’s Oesophagus, it is caused by acid reflux going up your Oesophagus and changing the cells. It is a pre-cancerous condition, so I have to be really careful what I eat and drink and I take two different tablets to stop my stomach producing too much acid. I have been suffering with heartburn since I was in my teens and it has taken a toll on my insides. I also had a colonoscopy and endoscopy and had some polyps removed from my stomach and bowel.
My World of Warcraft Paladin playthrough is still going! I am soon going to record episode 111, which will be the final episode of Winterspring and of Kalimdor (for now!). Once I am done in Winterspring I will be taking a boat back to Stormwind where I will buy some bigger bags, sell and bank my items and then make my way to the Western Plaguelands for the home stretch to Hellfire Peninsula! Just 7 more zones to go until we will be in the Burning Crusade!
I’m running very low on the backlog of videos I keep scheduled in the case of sickness or my PC dying. I am very sick at the moment, so can’t record anything! I don’t want to break my 110-week streak of having a WoW video up at 3pm every Friday.
I’m looking forward to playing the new expansion to Grim Dawn next year: Fangs of Asterkarn, I will most likely be recording a playthrough of act 8 and I might do a playthrough of the new berserker class and level through the whole game. Season 7 ends in January, I was hoping to have a fully-geared and levelled level 100 chracter by now, but other things have got in the way, oh well there’s always next season! I’m also looking forward to playing Titan Quest 2 whenever that is coming out. I might have a go at Path of Exile 2, too.
This year I started playing Genshin Impact on the channel, I never thought I’d play a game like this, but I have to say I have fallen in love with it and the graphics style. This is obviously very different from what I usually play, but I don’t care and the videos got a few nice comments, so that is good!
I still have to record episode 5, I want to find this pirate sword and I want to get my glider’s license!
I have recently started a new mini series on the gaming channel, I have been recording myself playing ‘ServiceIT: You Can Do IT’, a simulator style game which involves you running an IT and electronics repair business. I am quite enjoying the game, I’ve recorded 2 episodes so far, but will record the next one when I’m feeling better. The game is in early access still, so I’m interested to see how the game develops. I would like to see the electronics side of it fleshed out and more circuit boards added for repair.
This year I also got a new phone as part of my Christmas presents, I very rarely use my phone, so I got a basic one that was affordable, in this case a Samsung Galaxy A15. This is my fourth mobile phone in 25 years!
I have been busy setting it up this past week and installing all the apps I use on my tablet like Instagram, X, Twitch, YouTube, etc. I’m hoping this phone lasts a long time, although I doubt it can match Nokia for reliability.
In 2025 I really want to start a new playthrough of Feed The Beast: Infinity Evolved on the channel. Because I have a new PC I am able to run the game with shaders and it looks pretty nice for a version of Minecraft nearly 10 years old. I want my new series to be super chill, no racing to complete objectives like last season. It’s just going to be me alone in a huge world punching my first tree and hoping to end up with a huge base filled with resources, power, weapons and armour.
I have tried getting the ReplayMod to work in FTB Infinity but it’s just not having it. I think the problem might be the shaders, but I wanted to use shaders with the ReplayMod to make a sick looking intro, that plan is out the window.
This year I started a new feature on the gaming channel - First Impressions. I basically choose an unplayed game in my Steam library and play blind for an hour or so and record it.
I think this could be a good way of finding out good games to play either on or off camera and I may even find a new YT niche!
This year, after 88 clears of Icecrown Citadel I finally got my hands on Invincible’s reins! This was the one mount in World of Warcraft I was most determined to get and I finally have it! The mount dropped on my hunter, a character I barely play these days!
I recorded the first two videos for Chris Elison Electronics this year, a mailbag and a Fluke 87 unboxing. I am hoping to make more electronics videos next year, I love doing electronics, but ill health, lack of space and getting a new PC have hampered me making any new videos.
In November the gaming channel hit 400 subscribers! Thank you to everyone who has subbed over the past couple of years I’ve been doing this, it really means a lot! I’m hoping to do more new stuff in 2025, as well as starting a brand new playthrough of FTB Infinity Evolved!
I recently got my Spotify Wrapped for 2024:
No surprises that Jimmy Eat World are my most listened to band. Some of my other favourite groups are CHVRCHES, Fickle Friends, Pale Waves and Angels & Airwaves. I scrobbled over 6,400 songs this year on my Last.FM, smashing previous years’ figures. I think I am moving away from listening to rock and emo and listening to different stuff.
I recently attempted to make an improved version of a header image for my YouTube gaming channel, I discovered a technique in GIMP called ‘Clip to backdrop’ which I employed to make this image, what do you think? I think it needs some work, but it shows what my channel is all about without any text. I may add my name in big, bold lettering like all the zoomer YouTubers do…
To do in 2025: Watch Game of thrones Season 5!!!
Time for another music video, this time Kitten with ‘G#’, great song, give the video a watch!