Random Thoughts - May 4th 2023: Just checking in

It’s now May and I haven’t bothered to write a blog post since last year. Not much to report, I have started a new Minecraft playthrough on my YouTube channel, I am playing the Minecraft 1.7 modpack Feed The Beast Infinity Evolved, I’ve really been enjoying making videos and playing in my single player world, but it is becoming quite a lot of work.

I am thinking of transferring my single player save to a local server, that way I’ll be able to leave the server running for hours so things like ore processing, quarries and mob farms can run without me being in game.

I am currently releasing episodes fortnightly every Sunday, although I think in the near future I will be having to release on an ad-hoc basis as it’s becoming a lot of hard work and each episode takes quite a lot of preparation. I think it’ll only get worse as the series progreses.

I’ve recently started a new playthrough of Project Ozone 2, one of my favourite 1.7.10 modpacks, I would like to do a YouTube playthrough series of the modpack, although I think I will finish FTB Infinity first, I don’t want too many series going at once. This is what I’m calling ‘Season 3’ of PO2 and in this playthrough I am aiming to do everything, including finishing the quest book.

Project Ozone 2 screenshot

By the way, this time round I am running Project Ozone 2 on a locally hosted server, I have a guide to getting a Project Ozone 2 server up and running in the works, so look out for that!

My World of Warcraft retail paladin playthrough is still going on. I am aiming to play through every quest line in every zone in every expansion of the game. I am currently questing in Dustwallow Marsh.

I am really looking forward to getting back into Grim Dawn for season 5. I have been playing the Diablo IV beta, but I am quite disappointed with the game to be honest, I’m not sure if I’ll even be playing it much when the game comes out.

I do have a new Grim Dawn beginner’s guide post in the works, I will try and get that done soon.

I still haven’t bought a new PC yet or a phone. I think the priority is to get a new USB external hard drive so I have somewhere to backup my videos. I am also still considering getting a Shure SM7B, although I think I’ll get the Focusrite Scarlett audio interface first, then try that with an XLR cable on my Shure MV7.

I have recently started recording another new series for YouTube of Fallout 4. I am not entirely sure if I am going to release the episodes as I record them, or just record the entire series first then schedule the videos for release. Anyway, I am going to do a Brotherhood of Steel playthrough this time round.

Fallout 4 Brotherhood of Steel thumbnail


Oh yeah, before I go, my good buddy ChrisUpNorth aka RtK aka Fishmeister has started streaming and making YouTube videos, do check out his Twitch channel and his YouTube, I may be doing some collab videos with him in the future - thanks!