Little Big Adventure 2 - Twinsen's Odyssey

Some time in 1997 my Mum offered to order me 3 games from a mail order advert in a PC magazine (probably PC Format), one of the games I chose was Little Big Adventure 2 and it quickly became one of my favourite games of all time.

In my most recent house move however, I had to throw away all my big box games including Quake, Carmageddon, GTA, Half Life, Doom and LBA 2. For months after I felt incredibly sad and guilty about throwing away my old games, LBA in particular, so I recently popped on eBay and decided to buy myself another copy of the boxed game.

After finding out more about the game, I learned that in North America the game was known as ‘Twinsen’s Odyssey’, had completely different box art and was published by Activision (EA published the European version). It was then I came across a UK seller offering the rare North American version up for auction. I HAD to have it, I was up against 8 other bidders, but in the end I won!

I have some hope one day of rebuilding my entire big box game collection when I get the space, but for now I am very happy to have these two boxes of a much-loved game in my possession.

North American Twinsen's Odyssey and European Little Big Adventure 2 boxes

North American Twinsen’s Odyssey and European Little Big Adventure 2 boxes.

Little Big Adventure 2 box

Electronic Arts Little Big Adventure 2 box.

Little Big Adventure 2 box (back)

Electronic Arts Little Big Adventure 2 box (back).

Little Big Adventure 2 manual & CD-ROM

Little Big Adventure 2 manual & CD-ROM.

Twinsen's Odyssey box

Twinsen’s Odyssey box.

Twinsen's Odyssey box inside cover

Twinsen’s Odyssey box inside cover.

Twinsen's Odyssey box (back)

Twinsen’s Odyssey box (back).

Twinsen's Odyssey manual & CD-ROM

Twinsen’s Odyssey manual & CD-ROM.